Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gone Primal!

Welcome back! I've made a few changes and want to share them with you...

On September 25, I changed my diet in a continuing experiment to improve my quality of life and make headway on my journey to a healthier me. That’s not the beginning of this latest chapter in my story so let me start a little further back…

Two months ago I decided that I have spent enough time just breezing through my life without an appropriate focus on my health and fitness and began focusing on diet and more consistent exercise rather than eating whatever I wanted and exercising irregularly. With that in mind I signed up for the DailyPlate application from and began tracking everything I ate. I followed the calorie calculator and began eating about 2,100 calories per day with no specific focus on exactly what I was eating as long as the total caloric intake was below my daily goal. I combined this along with 3-4 workouts per week. These consisted of P90X workouts, racquetball, and the beginnings of a running regimen. Over the course of five weeks I weighed myself to check my progress and lost a grand total of…wait for it…4 pounds! At that point I realized that something wasn’t right and decided to take the plunge and experiment with an eating lifestyle detailed in a book I’m reading entitled “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson. His philosophy states that humanity reached its physical peak during the hunter gatherer period when survival of the fittest was in full effect. Basically, before civilization began and food became more and more domesticated we ate strictly plants and animals. We didn't have grains or bread, etc...I'll go into more detail reviewing this later...Anyway,  this past Saturday marked one week of living the “Primal” lifestyle and I celebrated with another weigh-in. The total lost this time was six pounds! In one week I lost more than in the previous five combined! Needless to say, my excitement is through the roof and I finally feel like I’m on a path that is sustainable, enjoyable, and actually provides real results.

This is one more aspect of my fitness journey and something that I will discuss in length and in detail as we go along together in pursuit of fitness, health and a happier lifestyle.

If you have any questions, comments, or have experienced similar results leave your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

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